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Voici les DVD M-Disc Ridata

Posté le 25/03/2014 à 14:50 par ditche - source : Gravure-News  
RiData a annoncé que ses DVD-R M-Disc sont désormais disponibles sur le marché :

Advanced Media, Inc. dba RITEK USA, the independent subsidiary of RITEK, has made available the new M-disc DVD-R discs, which are built to last over 1000 years. M-DISC DVD is backed by the technology and specifications of Millenniata U.S.A. The technology allows for saving and protecting the data by etching them into a rock-like recording surface instead of traditional organic dye. When the data layer is written by a focused laser, the intense heat generated causes the innermost layers to melt and to move away from the laser spot, creating a hole in the data layer. The data layer is composed entirely by inorganic materials and compounds, including metals and metalloids.

Plus d'infos chez CDRinfo.

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